The mid-pilothouse layout of Bellagio appealed to her owner’s requirements for spacious living and accommodation for family. Bellagio has beautifully built cabinetry in Teak and Burr Oak with granite bench tops. She is a quality built high spec'd boat. A special feature in Bellagio’s cockpit is an island unit which houses a sink, bait station, rubbish bins and the transom doors. The island is also home to the boats name and is lit up with hidden strip lighting.

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In the News

Quiet Evolution

The classic Bridgedecker emerged early last century but Auckland designer Bill Upfold happily credits it for inspiring his mid-pilothouse motoryachts.

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Boat name BELLAGIO
Designer Elite Marine
Construction Plywood - Balsa - E Glass Composite
LOA 16 metres
Beam 5 metres
Draft 1 metre
Fuel Capacity 2000 litres
Water Capacity 1000 litres
Deadrise 13°
Displacement 18,000 Kg
Max Speed 26 knots
Cruising Speed 21 knots
Propellers Bruton
Auckland Boat Show
NZ Marine
Roger Hill Yacht Design
Valder Yachts
Elite Marine